Exiting project at Mallacoota where GPM engaged with stakeholder and community to upgrade the Maurice Avenue streetscape to improve the functionality, aesthetics and operation of Mallacoota main street. GPM also project managed the landscape design consultants and Government organisations to develop the concept masterplan Through to detailed design.
Save the Snowy rail bridge Ass Inc have appointed GPM to project manage this significant project on restoration of the iconic rail bridge that will be a tourist attraction for East Gippsland. GPM is overseeing planning and approvals, design and execution of construction phase.
We undertook project delivery of Swift creek recreation reserve starting with drafting the scope of work to the project management on upgrading the entire sporting and recreation facilities to the standard. We engaged with sporting and community stakeholders to understand community expectation and project managed the development of the preliminary and detailed designs.
For the future development of Gippsland freight infrastructure GPM delivered a Master Plan intended to set out the infrastructure and actions necessary to enable more efficient movement of the wider Gippsland freight task, by identifying current and emerging freight issues and opportunities along with barriers to growth and Emerging markets.
GPM have project managed Uniting Victoria-Tasmania’s window replacement project; which involved removal of old windows, including asbestos removal and testing; and finally new window installation.
Community groups in Mallacoota were successful in securing funding for a new skatepark that supports recreation, exercise, creativity and social activity after the devastating bushfires. To help the community and funding bodies deliver this project, GPM led consultation, planning, concept and detailed design; leading to construction tender stage.
Supporting Bushfire Recovery Victoria in identifying priorities and parameters, to evaluate building and work plans across four remote sites. GPM also conducted cost estimates and specifications, including approvals from funding bodies. Identification of appropriate funding streams and application processes was also undertaken.
GPM has been appointed by Australian Rare Earths to undertake preliminary resource modelling, pit optimisation, pit design, mining option studies, mine scheduling and mine infrastructure design.
Southern Rural Water have appointed GPM project manager Chris Tyzeer as program leader to oversee delivery management of MID Modernisation program through the process of design, procurement, construction and handover stages.